Student ID required ...
NZ/AUS students enrolling at a NZ school for the first time:
Upload into the File Name box to the right..
NZ birth certificate - (whole document)
NZ or AUS passport (photo page)
Other students enrolling at a NZ school for the first time:
Upload ...
Passport and VISA,
Residency Permit
or Citizenship Certificate
All students enrolling at Oxford Area school:
Please upload ...
proof of any 0-12yrs vaccinations for childhood disease gained (plunket book or doctors record).
Please let us know if your student is un-vaccinated and if vaccinations are gained in the future.
If information is not supplied your student will be deemed unvaccinated.
Students who have previously enrolled at a NZ school:
You may be asked for proof of ID if it is not found on the Ministry of Education's data base.
All students:
Please open and fill out the forms to the right and upload them.
EOTC - y/n permission allows students to attend supervised low risk offsite trips or participate in classroom activities in Oxford, including swimming, without the need of a specific permission slip. You will be asked for permission for all other trips.
Bus Contract - an agreement to abide by bus use rules. A free service for students living a certain number of kilometers from school ( age dependant) and within the regulated bus routes.
BIS - for yr 0-6 - permission to attend a funm 1 hour session per week with local Christian volunteers.
ESOL - information about students with English as a second language to gain funding to help
BYOD - required for yrs 9-13, optional for yrs 7-8. Permission for a private device to access the school wifi.
Phones are not allowed to be used between 9 and 3 and will not be given access to the school wifi.
Photo Permission - y/n permission for photos/ videos to be published in our newsletters or online school information sharing system.