Otago Girls' High School
Online Enrolment

Please note

  • The following information will need to be uploaded before submitting;

- your child's NZ birth certificate, passport, or residency permit

- your child's latest school report

- a recent bill showing proof of address (if in zone)

  • If you wish to nominate an emergency contact (other than caregivers 1 and 2) please click "add another caregiver"
  • Please complete the attached documents and upload them with your enrolment.

                                        Year 9 Subject Selection               EOTC Consent Form

Application Form
Legal Surname *
Legal First Name *
Middle Name
Preferred Surname
Preferred First Name
Date of birth *
Gender *
Cell phone #Only Numbers and spaces are allowed e.g. 012 1234567
Country Or Jurisdiction Of Citizenship *
Language At Home
Ethnicities * Maximum 4 Allowed
Iwi Maximum 16 Allowed
Verification Document
Document Expiry Date
Document Serial Number
Date Of Arrival In NZ
Previous School
Eligibility Criteria *

Caregiver Details (Minimum 2)

Caregiver # 1 (This caregiver must live with the student)
Relationship *
Gender *
Select As Applicable *
Title *
Surname *
First Name *
Email *
Phone # Home Only Numbers and spaces are allowed e.g. 06 1234567
Phone # Work Only Numbers and spaces are allowed e.g. 06 1234567
Phone # Cell Only Numbers and spaces are allowed e.g. 012 1234567
Search Address
Street *
Suburb *
City *
Post Code *
State / Province
Country *

Caregiver # 2
Relationship *
Gender *
Select As Applicable *
Title *
Surname *
First Name *
Phone # Home Only Numbers and spaces are allowed e.g. 06 1234567
Phone # Work Only Numbers and spaces are allowed e.g. 06 1234567
Phone # Cell Only Numbers and spaces are allowed e.g. 012 1234567
Search Address
Street *
Suburb *
City *
Post Code *
State / Province
Country *
Type Of Student
Starting Year Level (at this school) *
Enrolment Priority
Start Date At This School
Zoning Status
Photo Publication Consent *
Internet Permission *
Medical Centre
Phone NumberOnly Numbers and spaces are allowed
Alternative Phone NumberOnly Numbers and spaces are allowed
Address Street
Pain Relief Permission *
Medical Consent *

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