Papatoetoe Intermediate School
Online Enrolment

Kia Ora, Talofa, Malo e lelei, Bula, Namaste, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi atu, Namaste, Ni Hao and many warm greeting to you. Please complete our online enrollment form so we may start the enrollment process for your child. Please ensure you have the relevant enrolment documents so we can process your application promptly. If you have any question or queries please contact us on 09 278 9763 or

Privacy Statement
The personal information being collected on this form is for school management and statistical reporting purposes.
It will not be disclosed for any other purpose except in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.  You have the right under the Act to access and seek correction of the information from the school.
Some specific information may be shared with other agencies [e.g. School Social Worker, District Health Board: e.g. Public Health Nurse/Dental Clinic].  This is noted as you complete the form.
Additionally, addresses will be passed on to secondary schools requesting in-zone information and for Board Election purposes.

Address of Convenience
Use of false addresses or 'address of convenience', if discovered, risk having their children/ren's enrolment cancelled.

In the case of an emergency or if a child is needing to be collected from school - if we are unable to contact any of the people listed the school will contact - Medical Professional or the Police or Oranga Tamariki.

Application Form
Legal Surname *
Legal First Name *
Middle Name
Preferred Surname
Preferred First Name
Date of birth *
Gender *
Cell phone #Only Numbers and spaces are allowed e.g. 012 1234567
Country Or Jurisdiction Of Citizenship *
Language At Home
Ethnicities * Maximum 4 Allowed
Iwi Maximum 16 Allowed
Verification Document *
Document Expiry Date
Document Serial Number
Date Of Arrival In NZ
Previous School *
Eligibility Criteria *

Caregiver Details (Minimum 2)

Caregiver # 1 (This caregiver must live with the student)
Relationship *
Gender *
Select As Applicable *

Title *
Surname *
First Name *
Email *
Phone # Home Only Numbers and spaces are allowed e.g. 06 1234567